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Always focusing on tailoring the approach for each patient.

Tomorrows’ Reproductive Medicine

This is our way to name the new frontiers reached over the last decade in the field of reproductive genomics, thanks to the advancements in next generation sequencing (NGS).

Reproductive Medicine

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Allowing us to stratify patients according their reproductive phenotypes, pharmacogenomics (PGx) and molecular embryology, widening our knowledge to improve treatments against infertility and reproductive health, adopting a proactive approach by understanding the molecular and genetic basis of reproductive processes.


Did you know that around 10 to 15% of all couples in reproductive ages (20 to 45 years old) are infertile?

Infertility can be due to a series of factors and a major component to it comes from habits and environment. Still there are physiological, genetic and molecular aspects to it, that may be the cause of why you and your partner haven’t achieved the pregnancy you both so long desire.

Reproductive Medicine

The important thing to know is that 1 out of 3 cases of infertility are due to a combination of both male and female factors and that it is NO ONE’s fault.

Such factors encompass hormonal levels, metabolism, ovulation, sperm production, sexual organs structural variations, STDs, exposure to chemical substances and physical phenomenon, to mention a few.

Reproductive Medicine

Together we can explore and study the causes and possible solutions for you to achieve that long sought pregnancy.

Fortunately, technological and knowledge progress in this area and through genomics, have identified some of the causes of infertility in both males and females, and that’s why being advised by us at Theranomics is benefitial for you and your partner.

Early genomic family planning

Starting a family is a great couple’s decision, which includes a lot of thinking, concerns and joy. Nevertheless, there is TODAY a critical step within genetic health to be considered, before deciding to get pregnant.

Early genomic family planning

Did you know that is estimated that ALL of US have at least 3 genetic variants of high risk (pathogenic) that could be passed down to our children?

When fecundation happens and the parents’ genetic material recombines, when a gene or set of genes are affected in both, confers a very high chance that such baby is born with a genetic disease, which most of them are serious and lethal, to the extent that most kids affected with them don’t survive past their 5th birthday.

Extended Carrier Screening Test

Theranomics offers you our extended carrier screening test that will allow for you and your partner to rule out wether or not you share a mutation that could affect the health of the baby you’re already planning to have. By taking our test you could reduce up to 90% of the risk associated to diseases caused by one gene, providing you with the certainty you need for the wonders of parenthood and the joy of a planned pregnancy.

Reproductive Medicine

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Pregnancy is an unparalleled experience for expecting paretns and we know that you’ve been constantly following up with medical appointments, taking care of your diet, sleep and schedules to have a carefree experience.

Maternal Fetal Medicine

Gestation at Molecular Levels Can Be Very Complex and Delicate.

Even with all planning, care and precautions, the biological process of gestation at molecular levels can be very complex and delicate, where even biology can fail and resulting in abnormalities at chromosomic and genetic levels for the future baby. These abnormalities can be suspected visually through an ultrasound but require a confirmatory test.

Not so long ago, you would have undergone an invasive process to obtain a sample of chorionic villi from the placenta or an amniocentesis (abdomen puncture that extracts a sample of amniotic fluid), in order for it to be studied with a karyotype, where cells are cultured and dyed to perform a microscopic analysis of the chromosomes of the fetus and confirm that there are the right amounts (23 pairs), lengths and structures.

Nevertheless, the procedure to obtain such samples (biopsy) could induce a miscarriage (1% of all cases) even when the karyotype would have resulted normal.

That’s why you need our TheraNIPS test to remain sure that your pregnancy maintains its course.

Cell-free fetal DNA

Today we know that the fetus, during its development in the womb, releases DNA (cell-free fetal DNA) into the mother’s blood stream

Therefore after the 9th week of pregnancy

We can take a peripheral blood sample and perform a non-invasive prenatal test to screen if the future baby has any genetic and chromosomal abnormality, without risking your pregnancy.

Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Our Footprint

7 years of experience and pioneers within the industry

We have helped over 1290 families to find a diagnosis and treatment, thanks to our theranostic approach.

Diagnostic Services
Reached Diagnosis
Patients diagnosed